Tuesday, June 23, 2020

End-Of-Year Visit - THURSDAY MORNING between 9:00am and 11:30am

Our next Virtual Class Meeting is WEDNESDAY at 10:30am. 
Time to get together with our remote learning class community.

Grade 4 Rube Goldberg design: planning and ready to build & test next week (also consider the catapult and the makedo pieces from STEM kit)
Grade 5 Cardboard Arcade: planning and ready to build & test next week (also consider the makedo pieces from STEM kit)

Neil Flambé is 10 years old!
Kevin Sylvester has challenged his readers to a Scavenger Hunt: 

CHOICE BOARDS: in any order, click on the tiles and complete tasks in Google Classroom (when indicated, insert to your ePortfolio) time to catch-up too 👍

Students, the Toronto Public Library has programs for all ages this summer. You can register online at tdsummerreadingclub.ca to access free ebooks, read a web comic and share book recommendations, jokes, silly stories and more with children across the country. Have a parent help you register - it's easy! Keep reading this summer!